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Data Protection

Information concerning the processing of personal data at MHS Truck Center GmbH

Update: September 20223

In this section we inform you about the manner we process our customer’s personal data and about the rights according to the Regulation (UE) 679/2016- The General Regulation on Data Protection (GDPR), of applicable law and of any decision that can be emitted by the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Protection (NSAPDP) regarding the protection of personal data.
The Operator of data is MHS Truck Center GmbH .
The contact details for data protection are:
Address: Mareto Strasse 1, 7111 Parndorf, Austria
e-mail: [email protected]
telephone number: +43 1 890 255 541

How do we collect personal data:
We collect and we process your personal data in the following situations:
- If you contact us directly, telephonically, via email or through our website
to discover and request information about our products and services.
- If you acquire one product or a service directly from our company.
- If you respond within our companies of direct marketing or submit your data online on our websites.
- If we acquired your personal data from public sources.
- If you provide information on behalf of a third party, you must ensure that you are in the possession of a valid power of attorney from the third party, which can be verified at any time.
We kindly ask you to not provide us, through the submitted documents, with categories of special data, for example data regarding medical condition, data concerning your political views or religious beliefs, data concerning union membership, etc.
In either of the presented situations MHS Truck Center GmbH will require the minimum of personal data, needed to achieve the purpose for which the data is collected.

What personal data we process:
In order to fulfil the purposes defined below, we process both personal data provided directly by the data subject or obtained in one of the ways mentioned above and other personal data, which have been provided to us voluntarily by the data subject or which we already own or have been generated in the framework of an existing business relationship.
The personal data we process can be classified into the following categories:
- Private and/or professional and organizational contact data: full name, title, initials, address, telephone numbers, e-mail address, fax number.
- Personal data: date of birth, driver´s license, profession, payment details, preferred contact channel, name of the company where you work, position, etc.
- IT usage data: - how you use our website and whether you open or send our communications, including information collected through cookies and other tracking technologies (details about cookies can be found here: https://www... ).
- Information collected from sales and services: purchase related information, contract number and information upon financing, support and service options, including complaints and claims.
- Interests: types of vehicles which interest you.
- Information related to the customer’s history: customer satisfaction rates, offers received, vehicle purchase data, including model, configuration, purchase date, registration date, registration number, order date, price list, warranty information, residual value, optional insurance information, other products, data collected during visits to MHS Truck Center (e.g., requires, consultation information, responsible sales consultant, service history, test drive), complaint history, service history.
- Vehicle usage data with VIN/registration plate - warranty, product liability, a safe vehicle operation.
- Technical vehicle information: information on how the engine and systems inside the vehicle work or have worked, tank charge level, remaining cruising distance, RTTI (real-time traffic and travel information services) data, outside temperature, mileage, average speed.
- Fault history from service visits.
- Vehicle location information.
- Materials and video images.
- In some situations, for the fulfilment of processing purposes resulting from a customer request, besides personal data, we also process personal data that may belong to the following categories of data subjects: legal or contractual representatives of the client, authorized representatives of the client, contact persons of the client, beneficiaries of the client's insurance policies, beneficiaries of the client's payment transactions, etc. The personal data of these persons concerned are processed indirectly, from the documentation of initiation and/or execution of the contractual relationship with the client, which is the motif we do not have the practical possibility to directly inform these persons about the processing of their personal data. In this case, it is the client's responsibility to inform those persons concerned about the processing and the purpose of the processing of their personal data in relation to them.
Purposes and legal basis of personal data processing
Your personal data will be used only for the purposes brought to your attention and for which they have been collected.
The GDPR (EU Regulation 679 of 27 April 2016) imposes that the use of personal data is justified by lawful "grounds “, and we have set out these grounds for each purpose.
For initiating or performing a contract (Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR)
We process your personal data to initiate a contract of employment, to initiate and perform the sale or to set up and maintain your vehicle, such as:
- using your contact data to send you offers, in accordance with your expressed requests and choices or to notify you of matters relating to your vehicle;
- processing your contact data (name, surname, email, telephone, city), level of experience and CV with a view to selection for a contract of employment within our group;
-processing your contact data, such as the options transmitted at the time of acceptance of the offer, the vehicle configuration details, information on the services requested, as well as information on the customer's history, etc., for the preparation of the documentation necessary for signing the contract and for carrying out the operations required for its completion;
- processing vehicle configuration details, technical information about the vehicle, including warranty claims and regular checks, history of errors following service visits, etc., to carry out repairs, revisions and other contracted service operations;
-limited information regarding the location of the vehicle during testing;
- we process your personal data for the purpose of registration and ensuring the conditions for the completion and graduation of the courses we organize.
To fulfil legal obligations (Art. 6(1)(c) GDPR)
For the fulfilment of our legal obligations, your personal data can also be processed: financial-accounting management purposes, according to tax legislation; for internal audit, external audit or financial audit purposes; for reporting purposes to state institutions and authorities, according to the specific applicable legislation, including for the performance of activities related to the authorities' controls, according to the regulations in force and/or in response to requests from the authorities; for the purposes of ensuring business continuity, data security measures in systems (including database storage and back-up databases) as well as for the preservation, storage and archiving of documents and physical security in our areas, by means of video cameras placed to ensure monitoring, security and safety of persons, spaces and goods in accordance with the legal requirements in force.
For the fulfilment of our legitimate interest (Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR)
-The existence of a relevant and suitable relation between the operator and the person concerned. When necessary, we process your personal data regarding your depts and for the purpose of exercising or defending any legal rights and interests of MHS Truck & Bus and MHS Truck Center GmbH as well as for the purpose of preventing and combating fraud.
-Transfer of data within a corporate group for internal management purposes (including data about the customer and employee).
- We also process your personal data for the improvement of the products and services provided and for their continuous adaptation to the customer’s needs or market requirements, by optimizing internal flows and regulations, analyzing customer satisfaction, designing, developing, testing and using IT systems.
For marketing purposes - to meet your requirements and to send you news and offers.
If you wish to participate in our campaigns, various competitions and events, to satisfaction surveys on contracted services, we need your express consent in order to process the data for this purpose.
If you have given us your consent, you may withdraw it at any time, for any or all the options you have had, without indicating any reason, by a written request, as follows:
- Via email to the address: [email protected]
- By post/courier to the following address: Mareto Strasse 1, 7111 Parndorf, Austria
- In some concrete cases, with strict respect for the rights and freedoms of persons, and only if you have not expressly objected to processing of your data for this purpose, we may send you commercial communications and based on our legitimate interest to promote products and services similar to those you have already purchased from us or to evaluate the quality of the services offered.
The transfer of personal data
Your personal data can be transferred to the following entities:
- The companies from our group (MHS Automotive GmbH, MHS Truck & Bus SRL, MHS Truck Service SRL, MHS Logistic Services SRL).
- Contractual partners (Bavaria Broker SRL, Automobile Bavaria, MAN Truck & Bus AG), insurance companies, banks, leasing companies, car workshops.
- Companies providing services for our group, such as IT maintenance and hosting (Medialine Eurotrade SRL).
If data is transmitted on by a third party to a company of the MHS Truck & Bus group, we must ensure that the data is only used for the intended purpose and under appropriate security conditions.
MHS Truck Center processes and it can use contact information, information about the client’s history, information about sales and service, details about vehicle configuration and technical vehicle information to determine what news and offers are of interest to you and to contact you about these offers in accordance with your marketing preferences. MHS Truck Center can communicate this information to companies within the group (MHS Truck & Bus SRL, MHS Truck Service SRL, MHS Logistic Services SRL, MHS Automotive GmbH) as well as to some partners (Bavaria Broker SRL, Automobile Bavaria, MAN Truck & Bus AG) to follow up your requests and to provide you with more specific offers.
When necessary, for these marketing purposes you will be requested your consent, and you will be able to choose the communication channels you want us to use to send you information.

Measurements of protection regarding location information
Some services can be offered only in the case in which you share your location or the location of your vehicle and only at your request. We take the confidentiality of information about location very seriously.
The information about location (including information accessed as part of the vehicle servicing process) is obtained or accessed only when necessary to provide the requested service or where we are required by law to retain and/or provide the information and if we are required to provide the information to the law enforcement or to any other third party, we will inform you, unless by doing so, we would prejudice the prevention or detection of a crime, or when we are not legally permitted to do so.

Time limits and criteria for the retention of personal data
MHS Truck Center GmbH will retain your information only for time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected and for any other permitted related purposes (for example, where relevant, for defense in the case of a claim against us). Therefore, if the information is used for two purposes, we will retain it until the end of the longest period, but it will be no longer used for the purpose with the shorter period once this period has expired. We delete your personal data as soon as it is no longer needed for the purposes mentioned above.
Your personal data is stored as long as we are imposed by law or as long as legal limitation periods are applied. This rule arises because of legal obligations to provide evidence and record keeping, regulated by legislation (e.g., provisions of the Archives Act, Tax Code, etc.).
Retention periods are based on legal requirements and business needs, and your personal data that is no longer needed for the purposes mentioned in the paragraph on Purposes and legal basis of processing personal data is destroyed or securely deleted.
The use for customer support and marketing purposes: in connection with your information used for customer support and marketing purposes, we may retain this information for a limited period after the date we last obtained your consent to send you marketing messages or the date you last responded to a marketing communication from us ended (other than opting out of receiving other communications).
Use of data to execute a contract for the sale and servicing of vehicles or their financing: regarding the information used to fulfil any contractual obligation, we keep this data for as long as the contract remains in force, plus 10 years from the last contact in order to answer any questions or to resolve any claims that may appear after the end of the contract.
In the case of other categories of personal data that we process (e.g., video recordings from service stations, from ITP stations or areas belonging to our group) please note that when setting the data retention periods, we are obliged to consider all specific legal provisions (rules and regulations imposed by the police, etc.).
In case of the need to recall vehicles from the market it is necessary to keep the data for the period necessary to carry out the recall operation and another 10 years from the last contact to be able to resolve any subsequent requests or claims.

The rights of the person concerned
Every person concerned (to whom the data is processed) has the rights below and their confirmation must be dealt with immediately by the Data Protection Officer and may not constitute a disadvantage to the person concerned.
-if personal data is incorrect or incomplete, the concerned person can request their correction or their filling. We kindly ask you to inform us about any change of data you have provided us with, so we can process only updated, correct, and complete data about yourself.
-the person concerned can decline the process of data for some reasons, and the data must be blocked for those types of use, except for the case in which our reasons for continuing this process of data outweighs any harm to your data protection rights.
-the person concerned can request the deleting of his personal data if the process of this data has no legal terms or if the legal term is no longer applicable. The same applies if the purpose of the data processing has expired or stopped being applicable for other reasons.
-the person concerned has the right to object to the processing of data and this must be considered if the protection of his or her interests takes precedence over the interest of the data controller in a specific personal situation. This does not apply if there is a legal provision requiring the data to be processed.
-you have the right to request us further details about the way we use your information.
- you have access rights to your personal data and to a copy of the information you provided us.
-you have the right to receive your personal data that you provided us, in a structured template, used in an ordinary way and machine-readable format.
- You have the right to data portability.
- If you have provided your data based on a consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, with effects in the future.
- You have the right not to be subject to an individualized decision based solely on automatic processing.
-you have the right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority ([email protected]) if your rights under the GDPR Regulation (EU Regulation No 679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of personal data) have been violated.
The exercise of these rights is subject to certain exceptions to protect the public interest (for example, preventing or detecting crime), our interests (for example, maintaining legal privilege) or the rights and freedoms of others. Whenever you make a request based on your rights, we will respond without undue delay, but no later than one month. In complex cases or when we receive numerous requests, this period may be extended with two months, and you will be informed in such cases.

Data privacy and security
Within the MHS Truck & Bus Group and specifically the MHS Truck Center GmbH personal data is considered confidential information and is protected by appropriate organizational and technical measures to prevent unauthorized access, illegal processing or distribution, as well as accidental loss, alteration or destruction.
Our security measurements are regularly improved, in the context of current technological development.
Although we cannot guarantee that the data transmission over the internet or on the website is without any risk of cyber-attacks, us with our subcontractors and our business partners, strive to maintain the physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your information in accordance with applicable data protection requirements. We use, among others, measures such as:
- Strict control of the personal access to your data based on the principle "the need to know" basis and only for the purpose communicated.
- Storage of confidential data- under the control of specific security measures.
- The use of IT security systems to prevent any unauthorized access, for example by hackers.
- Permanent monitoring of access to IT systems to detect and stop misuse of personal data.

In case we gave you (or you chose for yourself) a password which allows you to access some parts of our website or any other portal, application or service we operate, you are responsible for keeping that password confidential and for complying with any other security procedures of which we notify you. We ask that you do not share such password to anyone.

Contact details of the company and data protection officer:
If you have any questions related to personal data process, please contact us at:
MHS Truck Center GmbH: the contact details of the data protection officer are:
Address: Mareto Strasse 1, 7111 Parndorf, Austria
e-mail: [email protected]
telephone number: +43 1 890 255 541 between 9.00-18.00

Update: September 2023

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